Short: Message queue library Author: (Bernhard Fastenrath) Uploader: fasten shw com (Bernhard Fastenrath) Type: util/libs Version: 3.1 Architecture: m68k-amigaos This library allows several task to write to a message queue which can be read by several other tasks. It is used by my shutdown command (AmiNet:util/libs/shutdown.lzh). Version 2 of this library uses semaphores instead of Forbid()/Permit() and fixes several bugs which didn't appear in connection with the shutdown command. Version 3 implements QAllocMsg() and QFreeMsg(). QMessage has a new field qm_Data which points to the payload (which is write protected under AmigaOS versions/clones which support MEMF_SHARED_READ). Version 3.1 can be compiled with gcc again.