Short: Very fast search & list command - w/src Author: (D. Keletsekis) Uploader: dck hol gr (D Keletsekis) Type: util/cli Version: 2.0 Requires: WB 2.0+ Architecture: m68k-amigaos FSearch is a very fast, pure CLI command for searching and/or listing of files. It uses the Boyer-Moore searching algorithm and has many options letting you drastically reduce the scope of the search and therefore make it even faster. ------------- Changes from last version ------------------ Now the BYTE position of the text found will be printed, instead of the LINE number. This, because the Boyer-Moore search routine can not count linefeeds. You can still get line numbers by giving the LINE switch (see below) but the search will become a little slower (still very fast though) -------------- Command Template -------------------------- ROOT/A/M Where to start searching from. May be multiple root sources - with wild-cards ex : FSearch ram: dh0:mydir#? all List all files in all dirs in ram: and all files in all dirs matching dh0:mydir#? This option must be given. All others are optional. PAT/K (string) File pattern to match Only files meeting this pattern will be searched ex : FSearch ram: pat=#?.info all List all info files in ram: or it's sub-dirs TXT/K (string) Text to search for. If this option is not specified FSearch will act like "list" and will not search the files. ex : FSearch ram: txt="my name" all Note: By default the search is case-insensitive. LINE/S Will print out the line number of the text found. This will slow down the search by about 10-20 % because it will force fsearch to use a normal sequential search instead. By default, the byte position of the text found within its file will be printed (all this of course, if you declare the verbose option) FROM/K (date) Only search files FROM this date and up. Dates must be written as dd-mm-yy. ex : FSearch ram: from=07-08-96 TO/K (date) Only search files UP to this date MIN/N/K (number) Only search files more than MIN Kb. ex : FSearch ram: min=100 (look for files >= 100k) MAX/N/K (number) Only search files less than MAX Kb. HEADER/K (string) Only search files which have this header. The Header specification may contain wild cards. The first 100 bytes of the file will be loaded and checked against this Header. ex : FSearch ram: header=FORM????ILBM#? all will list all iff pictures in ram: ALL/S Recursively scan sub-directories CS=CASESENSITIVE/S Make the search case-sensitive V=VERBOSE/S Print byte or LINE number & text of lines found. The default is to just print the file name on the first occurance of the TXT you're looking for. With this option all the matches and their context will be displayed. If the line length is over 80 chars it will be clipped. NOBIN/S Do not check binary files. Up to 100 bytes of the file will be loaded and file will be skipped if this header contains any non-ascii characters. HL=HIGHLIGHT/S Highlight the search results INFO/S Print file size/date/time next to it's name No file paths are printed if this option is on. NOPATH/S Print only the file name - not the full path. -------------- Installation ------------------------------ Copy the FSearch binary to C: If you also want the gui, copy the FSearch directory anywhere and run the gui by clicking on the icon. You must have Gui4Cli, of course - see below.. -------------- The GUI ----------------------------------- A great looking, resizable, multitasking GUI is also provided. Its in folder FSearch. This gui is independent of the command itself, so you can use it (or not) as you see fit. To run it you need the program "Gui4Cli" which you can download free from my site at - v3.8+ EXTRA : The Gui makes use of the program REP which is another fast CLI command for REPLACING text in files. It must be in C: The gui will also allow you to copy, move, delete the files found, or save out the file list. If you have the CygnusEd editor and the CedBar gui, you can also load the files found and goto the line/byte automatically. The CedBar gui, if you are interested, can be found on my site or on aminet (search for "CedBar") -------------- Author ------------------------------------ FSearch is FreeWare, but remains the Copyright of D.Keletsekis. No guarantees as to its performance or actions is made or implied. Use it at your own risk. D. Keletsekis - October 99