Short: Highly configurable modular texteditor Author: Uploader: tob blanker ruhr de Type: text/edit Architecture: m68k-amigaos long description: WRITE - Ein Texteditor VERSION 4.144 (C) Tim Teulings English ======= Powerfull texteditor. Shareware (30DM) with some features disabled/limited. Only german documentation availale !!! Keyboard, mouse (using Commodities-descriptions) and menues are full konfigurable via GUI or ASCII-textfile. Different configurations at the same time (with one ditor in memory) can be used and are automaticaly you can write your mails in one window with wordwrap on, using othe 5 windows with your favoured c-macros somewhere on the keyboard at the same time to programm, compleeting the documentation... Version 4 adds a modulesystem. It is now possibile to build an configuration but putting together small modules. This modules can be reused and shared between different configurations at the same time.Powerful AREXX-interface (over 160 functions with many different options, more than 80 variables, giving you a full view of the internals of the editor.). Posibillity to define more custom variables und macros. Onlinehelp via Amigaguide. Possibility of recording and playing macros on the fly. Text can be folded. the GUI is 100% fontsensitive. The Editor can be localized using the locale.library (catalogs for english and German are available). Clipboard is supported. Undo with konfigurable steps is also implemented. The editor supports publicscreens, has komfortable search & replace, many AREXX-scripts and much much more... German ====== leistungsstarker Texteditor. Shareware eingeschraenkt (30DM). Nur deutsche Anleitung. Vollkonfigurierbare Tastatur, Maus (ueber Commoditiesbeschreibungen) und Menues ueber GUI oder Textfile. Kann mehrere Konfigurationen gleichzeitig und vollautomatisch verwalten. In einem Fenster eine Mail mit Wordwrap schreiben, in fuenf anderen Fenstern eine Konfiguration mit allen wichtigen C-Skripts auf beliebigen Tasten. Gleichzeitig, in einem anderen Fenster wieder Wordwrap, aber spezielle TeXkommandos auf den Funktionstasten, um die Aleitung zu vervollstaendigen... Mit der Version 4 kommt hierzu ein Modulsystem welches es erlaubt eine Konfiguration aus einzelnen kleinen Modulen zusammensetzen. Einzelne Module können wiederverwendet und auch von mehreren Konfigurationen gleichzeitig benutzt werden. Leistungsstarke AREXX-Schnittstelle (mehr als 160 Befehle mit vielen Optionen, mehr als 80 Variablen, die vollstaendige Informationen ueber alle Editorinterna liefern). Dazu die Moeglichkeit weitere Variablen und Makros zu definieren Onlinehelp ueber Amigaguide. Makros aufnehmen und beliebig oft abspielen. Textstellen koennen beliebig tief gefaltet werden. die Obeflaeche ist 100% fontsensitiv. Der Editor kann ueber die Locale-Library lokalisiert werden. Catalogs fuer English und Deutsch liegen bei. Clipboard wird unterstuetzt. Undo mit beliebig vielen Schritten. Der Editor unterstuetzt Pulicscreens. Kompfortables Suchen und Ersetzen, viele AREXX-scripts und vieles mehr. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENGLISH: Differences between the full version and the demoversion: * The following functions are deactivated: - SAVEBUFFER - BUFFERTOCLIP * The function SAVE will only store files with maximal 1000 lines. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEUTSCH: Unterschiede Vollversion <-> Demoversion : * Folgende Befehle sind gesperrt : - SAVEBUFFER - BUFFERTOCLIP * Die Funktion SAVE speichert nur Texte bis zu 1000 Zeilen. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- WRITE version 4.144 Changes since version 4.137 * hui.library uses now TextExent() Instead of TextLength for sizecalculation of labels in frames. * Remove the rest of the one-letter flags in the windowtitle. * Raised the limit for saving in the demoversion upto 1000 lines. * Name of the tooltype "SCREEN" for QuickWrite was misleading. Renamed it to "SCREENTOFRONT" which really says what it does. * Fixed bug in handling of listrequesters: When opened, the first entry was shown as selected, but doing an action on it via keyboard (RETURN) did not worked. Fixed. * _PUBLICSCREEN was not stored in the config-file. Fixed. * Fixed bug in installerscript introduced in the last version: Fileflags of the installed QuickStarter were not set correctly. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes since version 4.126 * It seems that the installer does not set the "p"-flag of QuickWrite, when copying.. It does this now manually. * When wordwrap was on, indent#0 and you typed in a word without any spaces, WRITE chrashed when the cursor reached a wordwrap-situation. Fixed. * Removed flags "*" and "E" in titleline of editor window and exchanged them with text (like "(modified)") between positioninformation and filename. All other flags are likely to be deleted in the future. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes since version 4.102 * The history-listrequester in the getfindreplace-requester now will only pop up, when there is an entry in the history. If not the screen simply will flash. * Fixed bug in select.image by not displaying imagebuttons when under OS 2.0 or 2.1. This is due to the fact that select.image does not work under OS 2.0 and 2.1. The author is working on it. * Fixed bug in line-displayroutine when displaying a one-line-long maked block in cetain situations. * Recompiled write.library and QuickWrite with SAS/C 6.56. * WRITE now checks if the directories, where the #?.pp-files will be created, is writeable. If not, no .pp-files will be generated. Result: no more problems with starts from CD-ROMs. * Fixed bug with cursorplacement when first opening a window. Was introduced in one of the last versions. * HUI and QuickWrite now search for external resources (libraries, boopsi-classes) also PROGDIR:-relativ. Also WRITE and write.library use PROGDIR: if ENV:WRITEPATH is not available. This means that WRITE now should again be startable directly from the unenpacked distribution-archive without any nerving requesters. * Fixed bug in hui.library when resizing windows containing a textfield.gadget with scroller. * Reimplemented internal text-class. It is much more powerfull now supporting alignment and style commandos via escape-sequences. WRITE supports this for every userdefinable requestertext (shouldn't be that usefull, but it was just a few lines). Exspecially the new text-class supports also "\t" for tabulators. See the settings for the help-key in HELP.MENU for an example. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes since version 4.97 * Fixed again the handling of casesensitive menues. At last it should work now. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [...]