Short: Patches PageStream 2.21 to 2.22 Architecture: m68k-amigaos PAGESTREAM 2.21 TO PAGESTREAM 2.22 (US VERSION) PATCH PROGRAM The files included in this archive can be used to convert your PageStream 2.21 to the new PageStream 2.22. IF YOU HAVE AT LEAST 1.1 MB of free RAM: Uncompress this archive. Store all the files in ram: and copy the PageStream2 (version 2.21) program file to ram: Open a shell. Type the following commands: cd ram: lpatch -oPageStream2.22 -pPageStream2.pch PageStream2 This will take a few minutes. Now type the following commands: delete PageStream2 rename PageStream2.22 PageStream2 You are all done. Copy the new PageStream 2 to your working disk or hard drive directory. IF YOU HAVE LESS THAN 1 MB OF FREE RAM: Uncompress this archive into ram: and delete the original lha file. Put a working copy of your disk (un-write protected) with PageStream2 (version 2.21) in df0: Open a shell. Type the following commands: cd ram: lpatch -oPageStream2.22 -pPageStream2.pch df0:PageStream2 This will take a few minutes. Now type the following commands: copy PageStream2.22 df0:PageStream2 delete PageStream2.22 You are all done. Your working copy of the PageStream2 program disk now has a copy of PageStream 2.22. IMPORTANT NOTES!!! After uncompressing this archive, the PageStream2.pch file should be 138616 bytes. Your original PageStream2 program file (version 2.21) should be 443212 bytes. If the PageStream2.pch file is not the right number of bytes, you had a bad download. If the original PageStream2 program file is not the right number of bytes, you do have PageStream2 (version 2.21 US). If you have the UK version (you can tell it's UK from the About requester) you need the UK version of this patch. When you are done, the new PageStream2 (version 2.22) file should be 441508 bytes. CHANGES FROM 2.21 to 2.22 This is a very minor upgrade intended mainly for owners of AGA Amiga computers (A1200 and A4000). PageStream2.21 could open on any Workbench screen, up to 256 colors, but could only open on custom screens up to 16 colors. This is changed in 2.22 to a maximum of 256 colors. To see the number of colors for a custom screen, you need to change the tooltypes for PageStream (see the manual for more info) to: SCREEN=custom COLORS=# where # is 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 or 256. Note that bitmap pictures are displayed in black and white in PageStream 2. Note that to open PageStream2 on a DOUBLENTSC or DOUBLEPAL screen, instead of the default HI-RES INTERLACE screen, you must toggle on MODE PROMOTION with the IPREFS preferences program. VERY, VERY IMPORTANT!!! PageStream 2.22 uses the bottom four colors for the interface colors. PageStream 2.21 and earlier used the bottom two colors and the top two colors. If you install PageStream 2.22 and do not delete your prefs file, PageStream 2.22's interface colors will look odd. Change the bottom four colors to: color 0: (default is gray R10 G10 B10) color 1: (default is black R0 G0 B0 ) color 2: (default is white R15 G15 B15) color 3: (default is blue R6 G8 B11) You can change the screen colors manually with the Change Screen Colors command. The reason for this change is to adapt to the new Amiga standard. In color modes above 4, highlighting of the toolbox icons and gadgets may be odd (depending on your other screen color choices). In the next version of PageStream, the change to the new color system will be completed. IMPORTANT!!! More changes are coming this year to PageStream. To ensure you find out about them, register your copy of PageStream today. We constantly release new modules like the new Final Copy and Art Expression import modules, and the new HP4 printer driver, and without registering you'll be left in the dark. If you are applying this patch to a 'borrowed' copy of PageStream, purchase a legal copy today. Amiga software companies will disappear unless you purchase the software you use. We try to keep our prices low to make it easier to buy our software.