Short: 3D pic of an 'atomic' floppy disk by Francois Gastaldo Author: François Gastaldo Uploader: rullier platon emi u-bordeaux fr Type: pix/trace Architecture: generic Description: Here is a 3D picture I made for ORION Diffusion. It was done with: PBMplus -> the stars and the the clouds. CD-ROM GIF-Galore -> the pic of the ORION nébuleuse. DCTV Paint -> the ORION constellation. Deluxe Paint -> various brush maps. Imagine 2.0 & 2.9 -> the 'atomic' floppy disk. Essence I & II -> the cooool textures effects. ADPro -> compositions and scaling, antialiasing, etc... All the software on AMIGA, of course. the image is 768*576*24bit, the PAL broadcast resolution. The image is CopyRight © 1994 François GASTALDO. This image is NOT public domain. You have the right to look it, to show it to your friends, but DO NOT DISTRIBUTE IT for money. Selling this image or making money with it is a CRIME, punished by the law. If you want to contact me, just write me a regular mail: François GASTALDO 4, rue des vignes 33270 , FLOIRAC FRANCE ---------------- I also doing a 3D only Free Distribution floppy libraries (up to 28 disks now): The T.S.I.W.F. : Tools for Synthetic Imagerie, Work and Fun. - - - - - Please, send me your artworks,objects, maps, RPL scripts, etc... I'll be very happy to include them in the librarie, and your receive the disk for FREE. THANK YOU.