Short: 7 HAM6-pics 320x256 Author: Roland Krüger Uploader: Martin Schulze (schulze phil uni-sb de) Type: pix/misc Architecture: generic Collection of colorized digitized Pics. Used programms: DigiView Gold and PhotonPaint - the one with the best possibilities for colorization of HAM6-pics. These pictures are copyrighted 1991 by Roland Krüger. They are freely distributable on AMINET and AMINET-CDs. Bus.HAM Decollete.HAM Elke_Mund.HAM Eternal.HAM fou_Muster.HAM Masa.HAM Umbrella.HAM Snailmail: Roland Krüger, Saalburgstr.25, D-61350 Bad Homburg v.d.H.