Short: FLI/C-Player and Mandelbrot-Gen for Merlin Author: Rainer F. Trunz, Erlensee/Germany Type: gfx/show Architecture: m68k-amigaos Upload: Martin Schulze This archive contains two (more or less) pretty graphic hacks for the Merlin graphic board, one being a FLI/C-Player, the other a mandelbrot generator. They have both in common to display their images in a so- called SecondView on a active Merlin-Screen (Workbench), which speed things up quite a bit because of the chunky nature. All sources are included, it is completely freeware. Two highlights are the reworked read.c (for all those else FLI/C- Players) and the "Doubleclick-Zoom" of the Mandelbrot-Generator.