Short: Writing adf disk images back to floppydisks Author: Frank Wille Uploader: trodas seznam cz Type: disk/misc Architecture: m68k-amigaos DESCRIPTION Since adf2disk and similar tools cant write back to floppy disk ndos adf files, we need anz solution, right? So, i asked Frank if he can adapt and simplify his too great, but a little bit hard to use Devcopy for this particular lame usage. USAGE: Devcopy NAME UNIT ...default unit is 0, so, DF0: Can't it be more simplier? Well, it don't even ask you about are you sure, so keep your valuable floppy write protected, or else don't complain later :) EXAMPLE: Devcopy disk.1 - will write the image to DF0: disk Devcopy disk.1 unit 3 - will try write the imagefile to DF3:, so, if you don't have it, then you suxx =8-))) VERSION: 2.1 - simplified for lammers =:*) BUGS: None known, but, you know, nothing is for sure... =))) AUTHOR: Frank Wille