Short: Creates C header files for SetFunction() Author: Uploader: andrea vallinotto torino alpcom it Type: dev/c Version: 1.0 Architecture: m68k-amigaos This is a little tool I made for all programmers who need to call SetFunction() from C (or C++). It is intended to make life easier and to make source files more readable. Usually, when one want to use SetFunction(), he/she must look in .fd files or #pragma statements to find the LVO of each function he/she want to patch (*). This leads to source files difficult to understand and maintain, since each call to SetFunction() looks like: oldfunction=SetFunction(Execbase,-690,myfunction); where you can't understand very well which function is being patched, unless you add tons of comment lines to each call. (*)= All the system libraries offsets exist through amiga.lib, but 3rd party libraries don't. This is why I made FOCS! FOCS (that stands for Function Offset Creator for SetFunction() ), takes a file with LVOs and creates nice C header (.h) files, with a symbol definition for each function found in the LVO file. So the example above will look like: oldfunction=SetFunction( Execbase, FOS_FreeVec, myfunction ); Nice, isn't it ? FOCS version 1.0 support the following file formats: - SAS C #pragma files - StormC #pragma files (similar but not the same stuff). - FD files (those who started it all). - GCC inline's (hopefully... only the new, preprocessor based format is supported).