Short: Routines for reading directory contents. C source. Author: (Daniel Mealha Cabrita) Uploader: dancab polbox com (Daniel Mealha Cabrita) Type: dev/c Architecture: m68k-amigaos Well.. the C language itself has no commands for reading directory contents. Sad, isn't it? Reading directory contents is useful when your program process several files at once (as a file packer, a file converter, a music player, a backup utility, etc...). What about using directly dos.library functions?! AAaRRRgGHh!!!!!! So i decided to make myself some routines for all this, offering the simplest possible programmer interface while maintaining most (all?) of the possibilities regarding directory reading. In this package you'll find the following files: GimmeDir.c - the routines themselves, WITH COMMENTS. GimmeDir.h - header file ExampleProgram.c - an example program so you can learn how to use these routines (as if it were difficult!) BUGS: None i'm aware of. * Minimum required: AmigaOS 2.0 and an ANSI C compiler with OS2.0 includes. .dan