Short: Asm sourcecode for an old demo by Triumph Author: Carl H Aaby ( Uploader: Carl H Aaby (carla ifi uio no) Type: dev/asm Architecture: m68k-amigaos Here is the sourcecode for the first part of the old demo No Temptations from Triumph. It is made public for educational reasons, and you are free to use it anyway you want. The demo itself was released in 1990, so I made some small changes to the sourcecode to make it AGA compatible. I know that the code is not at all state of art, it was my first real thing I ever made in assembler, so please DO NOT give any reply back on how it should have been done. The demo itself it quite simple, so it should been very easy to understand the way things work. Contact me if you want some help with the source, or if you want me to release more demo sources. And do not forget to visit out homepage at: