Short: ARexx Script to give the currently loaded URL to AmIRC Author: (Markus Lamers) Uploader: markus lamers tu-clausthal de (Markus Lamers) Type: comm/tcp Version: 1.0 Architecture: m68k-amigaos Long: This script gives the currently loaded URL of your WWW-Browser into the active window of AmIRC Currently supported: IBrowse (>Version R7a) and AWeb. For usage and installation see the script itself. Enjoy it or leave it Markus "lammy" Lamers -- __ __ / / Markus Lamers, Oster"oderstr.6/Zi.26, 38678 Clausthal, Tel.: 05323-4626 \_X_/ | A4000/40/18MB/850MB/Mitsumi FX001D, CDROM-Kit/GG2+, EtherNET, Idek MF8617 Apple Newton MessagePad 120 NOS 2.0