Short: V2.3. The interface between YAM and AmIRC. Author: Frank Meyer-Pfauder ( Uploader: Frank Meyer-Pfauder (Pfauder infocanarias com) Type: comm/mail Version: 2.3 Requires: YAM2.0, AmIRC2.0 Architecture: m68k-amigaos YAM2AmIRC.rexx - The interface for YAM and AmIRC ================================================ · Introduction: I hate it to open YAM and look what kind of EMail arrived while I work with AmIRC. I could of course set up filters that play certain sounds on certain EMails, but still, I can't see whose EMail I got. So I came to the idea of writing a little script that sends useful information to the AmIRC window, letting me easily see who EMails come from, without the need to open the YAM window. · Features: - Display number of total/new/unread "Incoming" EMails in active AmIRC window. - Allows to set up patterns to match the "From" header and display the resulting emails. - Plays a soundfile even when AmIRC is not active. - Displaying of all New and Unread EMails in the Incoming folder. - AmIRC interface to control YAM2AmIRC from within itself, so you can at any time check your Incoming folder and even control YAM. - Many configuration options, also for the sound player. - Separate config file, no need to delete your old settings anymore when you update. - Includes spanish and german versions ! · Requires at least: - YAM2.0 (the previews don't work with this version) - AmIRC2.0 (should work with earlier versions also) - RexxMast active. - Optionally a soundplayer or MultiView with a correct sound datatype. - An Amiga computer, of course. · Contact: If you have suggestions, comments or bug reports, send them to: Frank Meyer-Pfauder EMail: Support Page: · Changes since v2.0 : - v2.1b internal, changed config access to external file. Changed output a little bit. - v2.1b2 fixed bug that would run the whole script even when YAM was not running. Added "about", "help" and "config" commands. Some minor optimizations. - v2.1 removed debug lines. No other errors found. - v2.11 internal, added code for future feature (not implemented yet in YAM). - v2.12 added selection feedback to previously selected mail and some new output for AmIRC. - v2.2 optimized the code (a few commands missing in the YAM previews). YAM2AmIRC now creates a temporary file in T: which saves much processing time when called within AmIRC. Now no case sensitivity anymore with patterns. Added german and spanish version to the release. - v2.3 some mayor optimizations. YAM2AmIRC now doesn't review the whole list of EMails anymore when checking the list, it stops after all Emails marked as New are reviewed. Added "close" and "check" (by request) commands. Changed the code so now is it easy to do translations. *** Archive includes nice .8svx file: "You've got mail" ***